Getting Started with VitaNavis
Take a look at what others schools are doing!
From Undecided to Undaunted: How Community Colleges are Cracking the Code
The CARE Model
The Tallahassee Community College C.A.R.E. Model incorporates The Myers-Briggs Company platform and assessments to align students’ strengths, interests and values with academic and career pathways in four key areas: Connections, Academics, Resources and Engagmement.
Connections refers to providing early, intentional and embedded experiences to help students find belonging.
Academics refers to offering clear academic pathways that ensure learning is occuring.
Resources provide the proper holistic supports to students helping to remove academic and life barriers.
Engagement helps students become involved in social and academic enrichment opportunities.
The Educational Credit Management
Corporation (ECMC) Case Study
ECMC is leveraging VitaNavis to positively impact student success and retention rates.
Take a look at this case study to learn more about their experience with the platform.
Cultivating Entrepreneurs: How Community Colleges Drive Innovation
Chris Mackey, General Manager at The Myers-Briggs Company, explores the critical role community colleges play as incubators
of innovation and entrepreneurship with Dr. Rebecca (Becky) Corbin, the President and CEO of NACCE. Becky discusses how community colleges generate new economic vitality for industries and communities and reveals how understanding her own
strengths was key to her embracing entrepreneurship.
Click here to read more.