Breakout Sessions 5
Room: Sunset
Level: Advanced
Track: Institutional Advancement & Fundraising Track
In 2016 when the Rogue Community College Board of Education selected a new college president, the board created an entrepreneurial fund for the president to use at her discretion. Based on past experience in developing an entrepreneurial college culture, the president worked with her executive team to create an application and award process whereby college employees could apply for access to these funds to support entrepreneurial efforts.
The process requires applicants to work with the college Small Business Development Center to create a proposal that includes a business plan with an expected, measurable return on investment with accountability checks. There were very few applications the first year, and some missed the mark in terms of measurable ROI the second year. However, a few were approved and moved forward to implementation. The college executive team now understands the concept of entrepreneurship through experiential learning in the development, review, approval, and accountability processes. The entrepreneurial fund is now seen as an incubator for new ideas that can generate revenue for the college, and data literacy skills are improving through the continued review and tracking of approved projects.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn to identify categories of revenue-generating strategies that qualify as "entrepreneurial."
- Identify challenges in creating proposals by working in small groups to generate an entrepreneurial proposal.
- Participants will identify specific data literacy skills needed to submit a quality proposal.
CATHY KEMPER-PELLE, President, Rogue Community College, OR
RON GOSS, Executive Director, Small Business Development Center, Rogue Community College, OR
Room: Cardiff
Track: Product Education Session
Level: Beginner
How do we engage students and workers to take ownership, become self-directed, and create value by solving problems? Entrepreneurs are some of the most self-directed, effective problem-solvers in our communities today. ELI’s Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs use real-world, unlikely entrepreneurs to demonstrate the power of human agency that is derived through learning to think and act like an entrepreneur.
In the 1950s Mississippi Delta, there was one man who saw opportunity where others did not - an unlikely entrepreneur named Cleve Mormon - the man who owned the Ice House. In every community, there are “Ice House Entrepreneurs”—ordinary people who have no particular advantage over others, yet somehow they manage to succeed. What sets them apart? What can we learn from them?
Join ELI to learn about the Ice House Entrepreneurship Programs! Ice House is an experiential, problem-based learning program designed to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset in individuals, organizations, and communities. The program empowers learners by exposing them to entrepreneurial thinking while immersing them in entrepreneurial experiences that will develop creativity and critical thinking, effective problem finding and solving, and teamwork - 21st-century workforce skills that will enable them to succeed no matter their chosen path.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how Ice House impacts individuals, organizations, and communities
- Understand the Ice House philosophy, concepts, and delivery models
- Differentiate between the Ice House Programs and intended audiences for delivery
Room: Diamond Cove
Track: Entrepreneurship 101 Track
Level: Intermediate
Join in a facilitated discussion centered on impressive practices of incorporating entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunities into your learning environment and student experience. Bellevue University’s Premier Partnership Network has over 40 campus centers located at community colleges across the country. Our discussion draws from the entrepreneurial spirit of our community college partners and analyzes how it translates into practical results for their students and their workforce.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand how ideas develop into outcomes in an entrepreneurial environment.
- To build connections that lead to entrepreneurial-based collaboration – in your community and across the country.
- To leave with at least one new idea you can launch in 2020.
DOUG STEWART, Associate Vice President, Strategic Partnership Development, Bellevue University, NE
Room: Emerald Cove
Level: Beginner
Track: Entrepreneurship 101 Track
Would you like all of your students to have the course content on the first day of class? Would you like to make your work as an instructor be a powerful force for making learning equitable in your community? How about breaking away from the traditional textbook structure and focusing your student learning on objectives? You’ve come to the right presentation!
This presentation will start with a brief overview of the definition of Open Educational Resources (OER), including how Creative Commons licensing works. We will then review the best repositories for searching business course content, including content chapters, course modules, slides, quizzes and instructor lesson plans. Next, learn how adopting OER content modules, rather than textbooks, can help you focus on teaching to objectives. Using smart phones, laptops or tablets you can examine examples of OER content including: business modeling, financial projections, sales planning, marketing mix, negotiations, time management and more. Finally, the presentation will allow a question and answer from OER experts that have gone through the struggles and triumphs of adopting OER for their business programs.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what OER is and how Creative Commons licensing can free traditional copyright restrictions.
- Gain proficiency in searching for OER business content.
- Learn how to adopt OER resources that focus on teaching to student learning objectives.
MATTHEW RIVALDI, MBA, Faculty Instructor, San Diego Continuing Education, CA
AARON IFFLAND, PhD, Faculty Instructor, San Diego Continuing Education, CA
Room: Copper cove
Level: Intermediate
Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track
Hear more from NACCE 2019 keynote speaker, Rey Ybarra, and his panel of previous Shark Tank Contestants.
Room: Coral Cove
Level: Intermediate
Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track
Makerspaces have become the “tool gyms” of the future, providing entrepreneurs the resources needed to scale their business without investing in expensive infrastructure. As these brick and mortar facilities continue to create innovative revenue models, many are turning to short-term skills training to support facility operations and growth. In this session, Hocking College will identify the intersection between makerspace activities and workforce development, and discuss partnership opportunities between makerspaces, colleges, government agencies, and employers. Participants will work through a series makerspace building block steps to identify resources and allies and how those relationships can be turned into student centered makerspace opportunities.
Learning Objectives:
- How Makerspaces can create a new revenue stream through short-term certificate training programs by partnering with community colleges.
- Engaging industry leaders to guide training programs that will lead to employment opportunities for makers.
- Identifying funding sources that will pay for worker training through makerspace and community college partnerships.
DR. BETTY YOUNG, President, Hocking College, OH
SEAN TERRELL, Dean, Workforce Development & Community Engagement, Hocking College, OH
DR. ALEX BANDAR, Founder, Idea Foundry Columbus, OH
NATHANIEL BERGER, Executive Product & Business Coach, LIGHTS Innovation Network, OH
Room: Sapphire Cove
Level: Beginner
Track: Academic Programs Track
Today’s students need proactive support, so how do we communicate with them in the right ways--with messages that engage and motivate them? Behavioral science (or “nudging”) offers a number of strategies for helping community college students navigate the path to completion. In this session, participants will learn how Lakeland Community College is supporting thousands of students with carefully designed nudges on their mobile phones that help them tackle the challenges of college and build mindsets and behaviors for success. This approach is moving the needle on persistence: a randomized control trial including Lakeland and two other community colleges found the nudges resulted in a 7 percentage point increase in spring-to-fall retention, with a 10 percentage point increase for students in STEM pathways.
Participants will come away with a working knowledge of nudging and how it is being implemented at Lakeland and at community colleges nationwide, as well as concrete ideas for how they can incorporate these concepts into their daily work. This interactive session will showcase examples of nudge interactions designed to help students follow through on academic goals and intentions, develop a sense of belonging in college, and engage in behaviors like tutoring and advising. Attendees will take part in an activity to redesign an email to students to incorporate behavioral messaging--and motivate them to engage.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what nudging is and how it is being used in higher education to improve student outcomes.
- Learn 2-3 behavioral science-informed strategies for motivating and supporting students.
- Generate concrete ideas that can be implemented in the near future for leveraging those strategies in daily practice with students.
LAURA BARNARD, Executive Vice President and Provost, Lakeland Community College, OH
CECILIA LE, Managing Director, Persistence Plus, MA
Room: Mariner Cove
Level: Advanced
Track: Workforce & Continuing Education Track
Today's technology based workforce must consistently evolve. This creates an unprecedented opportunity for Community Colleges to build entrepreneurial ecosystems between themselves, students and industry.
In this workshop, attendees will learn how colleges can be more entrepreneurial by transforming their capabilities to capitalize on emerging industry trends. Through a start-up mindset, the college can meet the needs of industry by providing services that help companies gain a competitive advantage, manage the risk of disruption while being a low-cost service provider. This pathway will create opportunities for students to gain hands-on skills development that can translate into the workforce.
Learning Objectives:
- Developing an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Creating a process to uncover industry needs
- Presenting the college as a service provider/supplier through a revenue generating model.
ANDRE BRYAN, Managing Partner, Bridgeport Group, LLC, OH
JUNE EVANS, Director of Center for Entrepreneurial Development and Professional Training, Prince George's Community College, MD