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Design for Delight - Level 1 Online Course

Monday, November 1, 2021 at 12:00 AM (EDT) to Friday, January 14, 2022 at 12:00 AM (EST)

Online Course - Details will be sent to you once registered

Event Details

We have an exciting opportunity from our corporate partner, Intuit. Intuit’s design thinking methodology, Design for Delight, launched their free level 1 course online! The course is asynchronous and will occur over 6-8 weeks with a total 8-hour time commitment. (We created a proposed schedule for participants with activities each week, but you could in all reality finish it all in a few days if you wanted. The buffer at the end is just to make sure you were able to complete your assignments.)

  • Module 1: Welcome
    • Introduction to Design for Delight, how to use the NovoEd platform, and navigating the course content
  • Module 2: Deep Customer Empathy
    • Why is customer empathy important and best practices for gaining empathy
  • Module 3: Go Broad to Go Narrow
    • Strategies for going with brainstorming, and inclusively narrowing on a solution to test, based on empathy work
  • Module 4: Rapid Experiments with Customers
    • How to prototype and quickly test your solution idea with customers
  • Module 5: Bringing It All Together
    • Applying design thinking to solve real-world challenges, along with a summary of learnings through the course

By the end of the course, you will gain the following skills:

  • Identify the key concepts associated with design thinking
  • Learn how to develop deep customer empathy and understand its importance
  • Apply various brainstorming techniques to support ideation activities
  • Evaluate different experiment types to test solutions
  • Link different design thinking techniques to support creative problem solving

The course opens November 1 and all participants will have until January 14, 2022 to complete the course.

If you have any questions, please reach out to and

This course is free and open to all educators. If you're an educator and are interested in bringing this course to your students, please feel free to share the sign up link directly with your students. 

Why is it important: Design thinking has become a powerful business language used by many of the world’s most admired companies. It promotes complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and other skills highlighted in the World Economic Forum’s Future Jobs Report. It’s why Coursera lists design thinking as the most in-demand business skill for 2020.

Why for the classroom: Design for Delight can be used in any classroom from kindergarten through post-secondary. Teachers most interested in it generally teach subjects such as business, entrepreneurship, project-based learning, and computer science, as well as after-school programs.

How does it work: Get deep insights into design thinking from Diego Rodriguez, Intuit’s chief product and design officer, including the value of “building to think,” how design thinking benefits the world, and why you should immerse yourself in the design-thinking process. Watch our video here: