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NACCE Leadership Workshop

In partnership with EntreEd's July Master Teacher Certification

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

Join us on July 20, 2021 in Chattanooga, TN for a pre-conference leadership workshop with two special sessions, hosted in partnership with EntreEd's Master Teacher CertificationWe encourage you to take advantage of both NACCE's preconference and EntreEd's events.

Guests who register for either Part 1 and Part 2 (or both!) NACCE's Leadership Workshop and attend EntreEd's Master Teacher Certification will receive a a total of $75 off registration! 
Click here to register for EntreEd's Master Teacher Certification.
(Tickets sold separately)

Workshop Agenda

Part 1: Filling the Gap: Making and the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Presented by Jeff Smith

How can k-12 and community college partnerships focus on both making and the entrepreneurial mindset? Participants will have an opportunity to re-imagine how these partnerships can build synergy around making and entrepreneurship to achieve outcomes related to student success and equity.

Lunch & Presidents for Entrepreneurship Pledge Signing

Part 2: Leadership Mastermind Session: Propel Your College Forward in a Post-Pandemic World, Presented by Dr. Rebecca Corbin

Think like a futurist and innovator and turn challenge into opportunity. This interactive session is rooted in the books, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution, by Walter Isaacson, and The Common Path to Uncommon Success: A Roadmap to Financial Freedom and Fulfillment, by John Lee Dumas. Pre-conference attendees will work together using core tenants from each book to address challenges on their campuses and in their communities.

Scholarships are available for up to two educators per district served by the ESTEAM project. Scholarships include waived registration for both NACCE Leaderhsip Workshop and EntreEd Master Teacher Certification and two nights of stay at the DoubleTree Chattanooga for Tuesday,
July 20th and Wednesday, July 21st. An additional $1,000/district is available to support attendance and cover additional travel reimbursements. Download the EntreEd informational packet for more information on the training, travel guidance, financial components.