Learn more about the AceTrac Pilot!
Event Details
AceTrac is an ecosystem which allows educational institutions to prepare their students for employment through a three-stage assessment process (Diagnostic, Review & Employability). It also allows employers access to the talent pool within these institutions from which they can select students who are employable. Students undergo assessments which measure aptitude, communication skills, personality and behavioural competencies - critical elements considered by employers for the purpose of selection into their workforce.
Who We Are Looking For:
- NACCE is in search of three community colleges in the areas of Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and/or Baltimore to participate in a pilot project with AceTrac.
- Enrollment numbers need to be between 2,000-10,000.
- We are encouraging the main point of contact to be within your institution's workforce development or career services department.
- Each school must have at least 100 students in the initial stages of their final semester participate in this pilot and take the diagnostic assessments.
The main goal of this pilot is to allow local employers to gain objective insights into the human resource pool within the community colleges in their region...aka this could help your graduating students obtain employment!
Applications will be accepted from July 25-August 9. The pilot colleges will be notified in mid-August.
Join us for our webinar to learn more!
This webinar is only open to NACCE members.
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