Everyday Entrepreneur Fund and Program
The world of entrepreneurship can be tough to navigate. With countless obstacles standing between entrepreneurs and success, it can be difficult to find the necessary capital to test a prototype or bring on your first customer. That's where the Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund comes in to help student entrepreneurs and the colleges who teach them. EEP provides community colleges the support needed to provide access to entrepreneurial education and funding for their students to take their businesses from an idea to a thriving enterprise.
The Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund was founded by successful entrepreneurs who understand the difficulties of starting and growing a business. The fund is focused on providing seed and early-stage funding to promising entrepreneurs who are building everyday main street businesses that have the potential to change generational wealth. The fund is deployed through community colleges that are members of the National Association of Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE).
One of the unique aspects of the Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund is its commitment to supporting entrepreneurs from all walks of life. The fund's founders understand that not everyone has equal access to resources and opportunities, and they aim to level the playing field by providing funding to underrepresented groups, such as women and people of color. The fund also prioritizes businesses that are environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.
The Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund offers more than just financial support. They also provide companies with valuable resources and expertise to help them grow and scale their businesses. This includes access to the fund's network of industry experts, mentorship opportunities, and strategic guidance on everything from product development to marketing and sales all through NACCE’s network of community colleges.
Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund is dedicated to supporting promising entrepreneurs and helping them build successful businesses. With its focus on diversity, sustainability, and social responsibility, the EE program and fund is paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future for entrepreneurship. If your college has students who are entrepreneurs with great ideas, the Everyday Entrepreneur Program and Fund may be the partner you need to take your business to the next level.
Apply today to be on the waiting list to be the next college to offer the Everyday Entrepreneur Program!
*Criteria described is as of August 2023. Future criteria is subject to change.